
Jaime Lozano has been let go as head coach of the Mexico National Team following their early exit at the Copa América tournament. The Mexican Football Federation announced the decision two weeks after the team’s disappointing performance.

Lozano, who had been in charge since August of 2023, declined an offer to remain with the team as an assistant coach for the next two years. This decision came as a surprise to many, as he was initially expected to stay on and potentially take over as head coach again after the 2026 World Cup.

In a statement posted on his social media accounts, Lozano cited a “change of direction from the original project” as the reason for his departure. This suggests that there were differences in opinion between him and the federation regarding the team’s future direction.

The Mexican Football Federation is now in the process of searching for a new head coach, with Javier Aguirre emerging as a top candidate. Aguirre, who has previously coached the national team at the World Cup, is reportedly close to the federation’s commissioner and could be confirmed as the new coach as early as August.

During his tenure, Lozano managed to lead Mexico’s Under-23 team to a bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics. However, his record with the senior team was less impressive, with only 10 wins out of 21 games. The team’s performance at Copa América, where they managed to defeat Jamaica but suffered losses to Venezuela and a draw with Ecuador, ultimately led to his dismissal.

One of the most controversial decisions made by Lozano was to leave out several experienced players from the squad, including Guillermo Ochoa, Hirving Lozano, and Raul Jimenez. He defended this choice by stating that he wanted to give other players the opportunity to take on leadership roles within the team.

Despite the disappointing results at Copa América, Lozano had been assured by the president of the Mexican Soccer Federation that his job was safe. However, the federation ultimately decided to part ways with him in light of the team’s performance.

As Mexico begins the search for a new head coach, fans and analysts will be eager to see who will take on the role and lead the team in future competitions. The decision to replace Lozano marks a new chapter for the national team, and the upcoming appointment will be crucial in shaping the team’s future success.