
The game between the San Diego Padres and the Los Angeles Dodgers took place on October 6, 2024, at Dodger Stadium. The coverage was provided by FS1, and the umpires for the game were John Libka, Cory Blaser, Dan Bellino, Tripp Gibson, Adrian Johnson, and Mark Ripperger.

The pitch count was at 49, with G. Lux on deck. The scoring summary and injury report were not available at the time of the article. The Los Angeles Dodgers were leading 1-0.

In the 2024 National League West Standings, the Los Angeles Dodgers were performing well. Unfortunately, there was no specific MLB news mentioned in the article.

Overall, it was an exciting game between the San Diego Padres and the Los Angeles Dodgers, with the Dodgers taking the lead. Fans were eagerly following the game to see how it would unfold.