Joan Monfort, a freelance photographer, recently shared an exciting story about a resurfaced baby picture that has caused quite a sensation. The photo, taken back in 2007, features a young Lionel Messi holding a baby. What makes this picture even more special is that the baby in the photo is none other than Lamine Yamal, a rising star in Spanish soccer at just 16 years old.

The photo shoot took place in the visitors’ locker room at Barcelona’s Camp Nou as part of a charity calendar event organized by local newspaper Diario Sport and UNICEF. Monfort, who was in charge of the photo shoots, recalled how Messi, who was 20 at the time, was a bit unsure of how to interact with baby Lamine, who was placed in a plastic tub for the shoot. Despite the initial awkwardness, the photo captured a moment that now symbolizes the connection between two soccer legends.

Yamal, who has been making waves in the ongoing Euro 2024 tournament, has drawn comparisons to Messi himself for his exceptional talent on the field. The young Spanish star has already made history as the youngest player in the tournament and has delivered impressive performances for Spain, including two assists in a thrilling quarterfinals match against Germany.

As the excitement around the resurfaced baby picture continues to grow, Monfort, who has been a sports photographer since 1991, expressed his surprise at the level of attention the photo has received. He mentioned that he has never experienced this level of excitement around any of his photos before and described the feeling as “very nice.”

Yamal, who will be turning 17 on the day before the Euro 2024 final, is set to face France in the semifinals. His journey from a baby in a charity calendar photo with Messi to a rising soccer star has captured the hearts of fans and sports enthusiasts alike. The connection between the past and present legends of soccer in that one photo serves as a reminder of the unpredictable and magical moments that sports can bring.

The story of the resurfaced baby picture of Lamine Yamal and young Lionel Messi is a testament to the power of photography in capturing special moments that transcend time and space. It is a reminder that even the most unexpected encounters can lead to extraordinary journeys and connections in the world of sports. As fans eagerly await the outcome of Euro 2024 and Yamal’s future in soccer, the resurfaced photo will continue to be a cherished piece of history that unites past and present soccer legends in a single frame.