Spencer Warren, an employee at Destination Alaska Adventure Co., started his day early at 6:30 a.m. on Friday to get a floatplane ready for a trip. As he was going about his business, he heard a strange noise that turned out to be a baby moose in distress. The calf had fallen into Beluga Lake in Homer and was trapped between the floatplane and the dock.

Warren immediately noticed the worried mother moose standing nearby with another calf, making him cautious as mother moose can be fiercely protective of their young. With the baby moose struggling to get out of the lake due to the slippery metal float, Warren knew he had to act fast. He couldn’t get too close to the calf with the mother watching closely.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Warren contacted his boss who then called the Homer police for help. One officer positioned his cruiser between the mother moose and the floatplane while another officer and Warren worked to rescue the calf. The baby moose had one leg stuck on the floatplane, making the rescue a bit challenging.

Fortunately, the calf stayed still during the rescue, which made it easier for Warren and the officer to lift it out of the water and onto the dock. The exhausted calf rested on the boardwalk until it was able to stand with the help of an officer. The heartwarming moment of the calf reuniting with its mother and her licking the water off its body was captured on camera by Warren.

Homer Police Lt. Ryan Browning expressed his satisfaction in being able to rescue the baby moose, emphasizing how rewarding it is to save a helpless creature. The successful rescue operation was a collaborative effort between Warren, the police officers, and the concerned community members who made sure the baby moose was safely returned to its mother’s care.

This heartwarming story serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion and teamwork in helping those in need, whether they are human or animal. It also highlights the dangers faced by wildlife in urban areas and the critical role that individuals and authorities play in ensuring their safety and well-being. The successful rescue of the baby moose is a testament to the kindness and dedication of those who went above and beyond to make a difference in the life of a helpless animal.