
Jill Ellis, the President of San Diego Wave, has filed a lawsuit against her former employee, Brittany Alvarado, for defamation. This legal action comes in response to Alvarado’s social media posts alleging a toxic work environment under Ellis’ leadership. Alvarado, who worked as a video and creative manager for the team, took to X and Instagram on July 3 to express her grievances, claiming that the treatment she and her colleagues received from Ellis was detrimental to their mental health.

In her posts, Alvarado accused Ellis of promoting an abusive work culture fueled by a “narcissistic personal agenda.” She called on the National Women’s Soccer League to remove Ellis from both the team and the league. In response, Ellis denied the allegations, stating that they were false and personally damaging to her reputation.

The legal battle escalated when Ellis filed a lawsuit in California Superior Court, alleging defamation and intentional interference with contractual relations. The suit claims that Alvarado’s statements have caused economic and emotional harm to Ellis, damaging her reputation and causing severe distress. Ellis is seeking an injunction to prevent Alvarado from making further defamatory statements.

According to the lawsuit, Alvarado was hired in March 2023 and filed a complaint with the league on February 5 of the following year. The NWSL conducted an investigation and concluded on April 26 that there were no violations of law or league policies. Alvarado resigned from her position on June 7.

Jill Ellis, 57, is a renowned coach who led the U.S. women’s national team to World Cup victories in 2015 and 2019. She was named the Best FIFA Women’s Coach in both of those years. Despite her successful coaching career, Ellis is now embroiled in a legal battle to defend her reputation against the allegations made by her former employee.

As this legal drama unfolds, it raises important questions about workplace dynamics, accountability, and the power of social media in shaping public perception. The outcome of this lawsuit will not only impact the individuals involved but also shed light on the complexities of managing professional relationships in high-pressure environments.

Stay tuned for updates on this developing story as both parties navigate the legal system to seek resolution and justice.